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Moon Time Tincture

Moon Time Tincture


A warming and pain relieving blend designed to ease moontime discomforts. Great for women who experience painful cramps, heavy flow, and emotional upheaval during their cycle. Not for use during pregnancy but can be used as needed while breastfeeding.

  • Ingredients

    Lovingly crafted with organic cramp bark, motherwort, yarrow, mugwort, jamaican dogwood and cinnamon.


    Tincture is extracted in gluten-free alcohol with a touch of vegetable glycerine for sweetness.

  • Recommended Use

    For best results, take 1-2 full droppers as needed to help ease moontime discomfort  Enjoy up to 6 dropperfuls a day.



  • Disclaimer

    The information provided on this page has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not meant to replace the advice of a medical professional. Maiden Love Birth and Botanicals does not claim to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Use at your own risk.

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